Game Guide

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Gold Pass


:: You can check your daily attendance status via the icon created on the right side of the Health bar UI

1. You can select the Gold Pass that you have purchased.

2. A completion mark will appear on the date you attended. If you did not attend, no completion mark will be shown.

3. If you successfully attend consecutively, you will receive bonus rewards on the 5th and 10th days.

4. If you successfully attend all 10 days consecutively, you will receive bonus rewards.

● Gold Pass (A, B, C) 10 days


:: The Gold Pass allows you to receive bonus rewards on the 5th and 10th days if you attend without missing any days in a row. You will also receive a perfect attendance reward if you attend all 10 days.

:: The Gold Pass renews to the next day at midnight.

:: If you do not claim your Gold Coins, the day will reset, and you will not be able to claim the Gold Coins for that day. This will also prevent you from receiving additional rewards later.

:: You can purchase different type of Gold Passes simultaneously.

:: You cannot purchase the same Gold Pass multiple times. After the waiting period for repurchase is over, you can purchase it again.

Since the Gold Pass renews at midnight, if you purchase it near midnight, you may not receive the rewards.

● ​Total Gold Coins Earned 


:: The Gold Pass allows you to earn more Gold Coins compared to regular Gold Coin products.