You can check out game guide on 12SKYM-Reborn
● Overview
- The Holy Stone Battle takes place every Saturday at a designated time, where factions compete to seize Holy Stones from other factions while protecting their own.
● Event Schedule
- The battle is held every Saturday from 21:00 to 22:30(SGT)
※ The location of Holy Stones is reset each week and redistributed to each faction.
● How to Participate
- Announcements will be made 5 minutes, 3 minutes, and 1 minute before the battle begins.
- At the start of the Holy Stone Battle, Guard Stones and Holy Stones are placed in each faction’s territory.
※ When the battle begins, all players in enemy faction areas will be automatically relocated to their home faction’s village.
※ While Guard Stones are active, portals to enemy factions are inaccessible. (However, if no Guard Stones remain, portals can be used.)
- Holy Stones are located in each faction's territory (Gocheon, Yinjou, Daoba, and Underground Stream). To destroy a Holy Stone, all Guard Stones must be destroyed sequentially.
※ Support and Heavenly Support items cannot be used in enemy territories.
※ If you die in an enemy territory, you will respawn at the portal near the area’s exit.
- Guard Stones are placed in sequential order in each faction’s area and must be destroyed in order.
※ Example of Guard Stone placement in Guanyin
▶ Yanggok (1st Guard Stone) → Ziming (2nd Guard Stone) → Bajodi (3rd Guard Stone) → Gocheon (4th Guard Stone & Holy Stone)
- If an enemy faction’s Holy Stone is destroyed, it will be relocated to the attacking faction's territory.
Example) If the Nangyin faction destroys the Holy Stone of Guanyin, the Holy Stone will be placed in "Frozen Plain."
-Rewards are distributed based on the number of enemy Holy Stones held in your faction's territory at the end of the battle.
● Rewards
1) Contribution Points
- Contribution points can be earned by destroying Guard Stones and Holy Stones. (Killing enemy players does not grant contribution points.)
- Contribution points are awarded to the player who lands the final blow.
2) Buff Effects
- Buffs are granted based on the number of Holy Stones held by your faction.
- Buffs are not applied if your faction loses its own Holy Stone, even if you hold enemy Holy Stones.
2-2) Faction Vault and Accumulated Effects
- Basic Faction Vault Accumulation:
When faction members hunt in their territory, 1% of the silver earned is added to the Faction Vault.
Example) When you acquire 100 silver coins, 100 silver coins are added to your account (basic accumulation), and 1 silver coin is deposited into faction safe.
- Total Accumulation:
The basic 1% accumulation + an additional 1–3% based on Holy Stone Battle results.
Example) When you acquire 100 silver coins, 100 silver coins are added to your account (basic accumulation), and 1 silver coin + (Holy Stone Battle Buff) 1–3 silver coins are deposited into faction safe.
- Silver stored in the Faction Vault can only be withdrawn by the Faction Leader.
※ For more details, refer to the guide on the official website: [Faction Leader Election] - [Faction Vault].
3) Holy Stone Battle Rewards - Overlord Stone Chest
- When a Holy Stone is destroyed, 10–50 Overlord Stone Chests are randomly dropped around the destroyed Holy Stone.
- The faction that lands the final blow gains exclusive rights to the rewards.
- Rewards are only dropped once upon the first destruction of a faction's Holy Stone, regardless of multiple destructions in any territory.
※ If multiple players attempt to pick up the same item, it will go to the player who picks it up first.
3-2) Overlord Stone Chest Item List
4) Participation Rewards
- Characters above level 90 who deal a cumulative damage of 300,000 will receive participation rewards. (Damage is only counted when hitting Holy Stones.)
- To receive participation rewards, characters must be present in the area where the Holy Stone is destroyed.
⊙ Gocheon / Bajodi
⊙ Yinjou / Shangu
⊙ Daoba / Lujong
⊙ Underground Stream / Frozen Plain
5) [Exclusive Silver Shop] - [Holy Stone]
- When your faction holds its own Holy Stone and at least one enemy Holy Stone, an exclusive shop tab is unlocked for your faction.