Game Guide

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Faction war


● Overview



- Faction-based PvP Content: Participate based on your level and faction.

- Increase Faction Kill Points: Kill members of other factions to increase your faction's kill points. (1 point per kill)

- Increase Personal Contribution Points: Kill members of other factions to increase your personal contribution points. (1 point per kill, but only once per target

- Respawn: After death, you will automatically respawn after 5 seconds at a designated location.


- Victory: The faction with the highest combined score at the end of the match wins. In case of a tie, the faction with the lower total level wins.

※ Note: If the match ends while your character is in the respawn state, you will not receive any rewards (XP, items).

※ Note: If you leave the match before it ends, you will not receive any rewards.

● Dragon essense chest


- Earned by participating in Faction war.

- Dragon essense chest has a random chance to drop 1 type of item when used.

● Item list


※ Only 1 random item from the list is obtained when using Dragon essense chest.